Friday, September 22, 2006

Woot: One Day, One Deal

What is Woot and who's behind it? is an online store and community that focuses on selling cool stuff cheap. It started as an employee-store slash market-testing type of place for an electronics distributor, but it's taken on a life of its own. We anticipate profitability by 2043 – by then we should be retired; someone smarter might take over and jack up the prices. Until then, we're still the lovable scamps we've always been. But don't take our word for it: see what the online community has to say at this Wikipedia article.

InFocus 76-inch 16:9 Projector Screen
$29.99+ $5 shipping

My Purchases on woot include a Razor Copperhead 2000dpi gaming mouse ($34.99) & Walkie talkie watches 2 pack ($19.99). Woot baby! and they were cheaper than any other place on Internet.

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