Saturday, September 30, 2006

PolisH bloG. Great view! I gotta go.

COol pix. know polish? visit here

Best WC view ever!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

News Media miss the point on terrorism

Interesting story from 2004 about the use of the word terror by the media. After seeing a top secret document declassified about terrorism and a comprehensive assessment of terrorism produced in April by American intelligence agencies...I wonder if new questions arise.

read more | digg story

Beatboxen Bush

Woah. Mad Skillz playA!

So, you wanna learn how to beatbox? GWB is back with another amazing performance. Surprisingly he is actually very good.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Tech in my wallz. WowZa! In-wall PC/

For those who love tech will be sure to have this gadget laced up all through out their humble abode. This computer will change the way you see the internet. I can't wait!

Visit the site HERE



Nobu intros N8 touchscreen in-wall PC

Can you help me discover more music that I'll like?

Those questions often evolved into great conversations. Each friend told us their favorite artists and songs, explored the music we suggested, gave us feedback, and we in turn made new suggestions. Everybody started joking that we were now their personal DJs.

We created Pandora so that we can have that same kind of conversation with you.

This is a great way to find new music, and beyond that listen to great music with a tottally cool interface for free.

You just type in one artist and away you go! Visit and find out!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bin Laden Dead? Much chat going around...

I have seen some buzz on digg, yahoo france, and blogs...

here are some links

French article translated
Digg article
Blog article

well. more news to follow I suspect.

Clinton Blames Bush for inaction on bin laden

Wow. This is funny, but the real kicker at the end of the story is hilariouS. I'm not sure what to make of this, but I do question the finger pointing when Bush was only in office for 8 months. Clinton 08' on some dems minds maybe? I think we need to wake the fook up on politicing of all sorts in this country. W?E

read more | digg story

Friday, September 22, 2006

Woot: One Day, One Deal

What is Woot and who's behind it? is an online store and community that focuses on selling cool stuff cheap. It started as an employee-store slash market-testing type of place for an electronics distributor, but it's taken on a life of its own. We anticipate profitability by 2043 – by then we should be retired; someone smarter might take over and jack up the prices. Until then, we're still the lovable scamps we've always been. But don't take our word for it: see what the online community has to say at this Wikipedia article.

InFocus 76-inch 16:9 Projector Screen
$29.99+ $5 shipping

My Purchases on woot include a Razor Copperhead 2000dpi gaming mouse ($34.99) & Walkie talkie watches 2 pack ($19.99). Woot baby! and they were cheaper than any other place on Internet.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

ZomG...When?? Can I use this, moreover afford one?

Well...I can't find the price on this or any other version of these monitors...Any idea? Please leave a comment.

Here is Link to Site

World's finest monitor? Resolutions up to 15360x2400 Pixels!

5 MonitorS!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Bored? Looking for someThing to DO?

Yes...We have all seen a program like this in the past, but cmon. It's Fun. So CLICK HERE TO VISIT RANDOM CHAT. Actually I found an amazing site by chatting, which I will blog about next...So, login and chat away!

Welcome to RandomChat ! This chat allows you to chat with a random stranger (who wants to chat with a random stranger).

Man seeks revenge by putting urine in coffee pot

No mystery here...The man has admitted to peeing in the coffee at the local post office for months. Well...not exactly postal, but maybe postal light! He was sentenced to six months in a jail work release program. ROFL!

read more | digg story

Monday, September 18, 2006

Blogga Blogs...Tech! If you dont know...

Engadget is a leading technology blog and I may not be telling you anything new. But, you need to visit engadget and find out why it's so popular. The site just got a recent makeover so VISIT NOW!




Saturday, September 16, 2006

I was lead to this blog a while ago through a story covering Google news to begin covering and archiving news from 200 years ago. See the story here. This site is full of plenty of good nerd shit that you can take however you like. I visit occasionally and find a good one. Visit NERDSHIT here. Cmon, the name should intrigue you at the least. Happy hunting!


Monday, September 11, 2006

What Could Bring Globalization Down?

We tend to think of the forces of globalization as a permanent part of the landscape—but then perhaps they were thinking that way too in 1914, when a number of factors from an over-extended superpower to a rise in terrorism ushered in the First World War.

Harvard professor Niall Ferguson believes that our current international economy has similarities to the economic dynamics of ninety years ago. Recently, Ferguson took time to expand upon the ideas expressed in his article "Sinking Globalization," which appeared in the March/April issue of Foreign Affairs.

Ferguson teaches in the Business, Government and the International Economy unit of Harvard Business School and is a professor of history at Harvard University.


What a Dork!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Free music online now. is your source for music online

Blogmusik gives the ultimate tip of the hat to WeB 2.0

Never stop playing your music while you:
Create & save playlists
And much more.

Blogmusik is your own personal web based iPod


Mylo on Engadget, unfortunately it's only a late prototype (we haven't actually heard of anyone getting a final production unit)

Sony's ever-hopeful ace in the hole to get a foothold in the pockets of disenfranchised Sidekick 'tweens everywhere (and maybe even some 770 user throwbacks as well).

Engadget get's thier hands on a Mylo

engadget on the mylo