Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Free music downloads supported by ads...Coming Soon

Universal Music, the world ’s largest music company, is backing a start-up that will allow consumers to download songs for free. It will rely on advertising for its revenues. It is set to launch in December of this year.

SpiralFrog and Universal Music Group Partner in Advertising-Supported Legal Music Download Service

Is this the new way for consumers to get the music they want by viewing ads? I hope so. Will these songs be DRM protected?

Read more here at the SpiralFrog website.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Get rich quick. Will Jason go silent for 1 yr? ;)

250K in ad money to make Jason Silent for a year. Will it work? I like the idea, and obviously we have seen it work before with the Million dollar homepage.

Jason claims he will not speak to anyone for one year if the entire web page sells out at a quarter a pixel. He will only speak on a podcast about what it is like to be silent.

This sounds like a scam to make some quick cash. I wonder who will care after the year is up if Jason did not talk.

Time will tell. =D

View the advertisers and page here.

Digg is Named #1 of the 5 Most Successful People-Powered News Sites

Digg is the only way to find the greatest news story on the net. If you have ever wanted to find the best news stories and much more. Do we need to say more than "People Powered News Sites"!

Digg! User ruled content.

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Call users from your Gmail

A new feature for Gmail being rolled out right now allows you to call contacts from within your Gmail account. Currently you must be signed into the Google Talk application for it to show up, but hopefully soon the feature will be available to users who don't have the instant messenger installed.

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Brazil to shut down Google?

Federal prosecutors in Brazil are threatening to shut down Google's operations in the country after the company refused to hand over information requested by the government. Brazil's Public Attorney's Office filed a lawsuit against the Web search giant demanding information about users of its social network, Orkut, which is quite popular there.

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Monday, August 21, 2006

Revealed: world's oldest computer

Machine found on ocean floor, dating back to 80BC has been declared the world's oldest computer, used to map the motions of the sun, moon and planets.

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

16 Rules for Social Media Optimization

Social media optimization can create groundbreaking traffic to a web site or blog and this post outlines a collaborative effort to create best practices or rules for SMO.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tilt - Balancing Game

Use your mouse cursor to balance the stick for as long as you can.

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Ads Coming to Textbooks

Textbook prices are soaring into the hundreds of dollars, but in some courses this fall, students won't pay a dime. The catch: Their textbooks will have ads for companies including FedEx Kinko's and Pura Vida coffee. A small Minnesota start up is trying to shake up the status quo college textbook industry. This is sure to cause controversy.

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AOL Prepares to Dig for Gold _ Literally

AOL are nothing but gold diggers. I suspect if the gold tries to cancel, they will let it know how it spent x hours on AOL from beneath the ground.

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Coming Soon: YouTube On Your TV?

Time Warner is starting a new free service for its digital cable/Roadrunner subscribers; you will be able to view and publically share uploaded photos and video clips on your TV through TW's Video-On-Demand network without the need for any extra equipment! No proprietary hardware or DRM'd Media Centers needed.

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

The first smart rabbit. Wow, this is cool!


nabaztag. The new revolution in communication!


I need WIFI (802.11 B or G standard)
WEP encryption capable
Visual and/or audio information (Wake-up rabbit! Weather channel, traffic, Stock market, Air Quality, Talking Clock, email alert? Spoken-word information or musical Channels, New services added continuously...)
Spoken and musical messenger.
(Incoming messages sent via the web, email, SMS, phone, spoken messages, MP3 music clips, Text-to-speech, rabbit-to-rabbit communication through ear movements)
Ability to create and program your own content and events
(You can create your own Nabcast channels and broadcast them to other rabbits; API for programming and interfacing with other applications)

Visit the site here

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The top Ten Hottest Billionaire Heiresses (includes slide show)

Looking for a woman with some cash? check out these very rich (and single) honnies. Perhaps you to can get lucky like in the movie Hitch?

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Teaser

Or this is link to Quicktime trailer

Quicktime is high def.

Liquid Time Machine Freezes Drops Mid Fall

Nate True has developed yet another impressive hack using UV strobe lights, luminescent-dyed water, and a timer to create the illusion of water stopping in the air, slowing down the splashes into the pool beneath, and even travelling upward. You have to see it to believe it.

Drone planes begin to crash...Questions begin

Drone planes that fly the skies

Crashes of drone planes flying over the USA are worrying pilots and lawmakers who fear that a surge in interest by federal and local agencies to use the unmanned aircraft could lead to danger in the skies.

Read the story here @ the USAToday.com

Monday, August 07, 2006

Toyota i-Unit Demonstration

Toyota i-Unit

Watch the DEMO
Visit the Toyota site

Simple Key Mod Makes Most All Current Locks Obsolete

The most fundamental security device in the world has been hacked in a way so simply and quickly, this could be considered the biggest hack in history.

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

$13,000 for the ultimate mpg machine!

Loremo AG: Sporty 157 mpg Diesel

To be shown at the upcoming car show in Geneva, this German creation claims a fuel economy of 157 mpg with no fancy hybrid drive train, fuel cells, or plug in paraphernalia. This car will be available in 2009, but only in Europe. Boo :( I guess the rest of us will just have to wait!

Build your own humanoid!

Lego has really done it this time. $250 seen here


A robot kit by Danish toy maker Lego could expand interest in automatons, possibly bolstering a multibillion-dollar market. This latest kit could help even hobbyists and startups with their initial ideas...


"Be An Expert On Anything" by Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert won't be taking the advice offered in this guide. He has dedicated his career to passing himself off as an expert on anything.
Among the highlights:
#6: Speak from the balls, not from the diaphragm
#7: Don't be afraid to make things up

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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Britney Spears...Uh. going crazy or what?

So, what do you think? Kevin Federline and Britney spend a night at home talking about...well, stuff. =D

Who is the king of Wikipedia?

With more than 80,000 articles under his belt, this man is the on-line resource's busiest contributor.

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Man legally changes his name to Optimus Prime

"Optimus Prime is heading out to the Middle East with his guard unit on Wednesday to provide fire protection for airfields under combat." This is from 2003, but cmon, it's Optimus Prime! LOLz

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Friday, August 04, 2006

Get a call from Samuel L. Jackson

Send a free personalized talking "Snakes on a Plane" message in the voice of Samuel L. Jackson to someone you know. Just give us a few details about the person and tell us whether you want to send your message by phone or by E-mail. Then sit back, relax and enjoy the fright...

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lamborghini Spyder

This is a excellent car that deserves to be seen. Take a look at the pictures here. AwesomE!

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ACM-R5 Amphibious Snake-Like Robot (Video included)

Powered by a lithium-ion battery, the ACM-R5 is a radio-controlled amphibious robot designed to move like its real world counterpart.

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Amazing Air Jordan Dunk Video

Whether you're from Chicago or not this compilation of Jordan's top 10 dunks is great. Ahh the memories.

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Robot suit worn to increase strength

This is why I <3 tech. It just keeps advancing everyday. This story just came out with a full body suit to increase your strength 5-10 times. I have followed this based on a Berkley advancement of exoskeleton legs. Cool stuff.

Tokyo full body robot suit CLICKHERE
Berkley exoskeleton legs CLICKHERE

Forbes: Mozilla Gains On Microsoft

Firefox Web browser continues to burn a path into Microsoft's house--the PC.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Surprise! Minnesota video game legislation found unconstitutional

When Minnesota passed a law last month that barred children from buying or renting M- or AO-rated games, we knew it was only a matter of time before it was struck down. That time has come, as a federal judge today ruled that the law was unconstitutional.

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