Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Application wiki - collaboration software

Well. I have to say, I love wiki (world's greatest collaborative software application) technology. Wikipedia is now one of my favorite sites on the internet. Now, I know that some people will say that Wikipedia cannot be reliable because any one can edit. Let's put this in to perspective. Books have been written since language was created and the authors did not continue to collaborate with each other over time. People would and continue to put their own perspective on facts and ideas. Well, humans are able to be honest and dishonest in books just as easy as wiki. With wiki however, we continue to collaborate and examine facts in one location. Also with wiki, anytime someone edits, they leave a trail.


Want to create your own wiki. Click the JotSpot link to the right.


anna said...

hurrah for wiki! i love wiki as well for collaborative info and have started a family wiki page with, you guessed it, our family as the collaboraters. and while i praise the whole concept of anyone having the ability to edit the content for certain purposes, i still have to doubt the continued accuracy of substantial information. as long as wiki's users maintain a level of integrity and allow the experts in their fields to report freely on their knowledge bases, i think wiki will thrive. as for the comparison of wiki to book authors, i consider them apples and oranges. wiki is up-to-date information at people's fingertips, while books are tangible and historic. you can't easily change what is written and published in a book and thus the book has become an imprint of the time of its creation. in the end, i feel that wiki is an awesome tool and i suspect that many successful companies with an eye on the future will be implementing its power within their structures. it is easy to learn, easy to use, and should be considered a great tool for interoffice communication and project management.

anna said...
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