Thursday, June 29, 2006

Google government search

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Google has done it again. This is one of my favorite developments by google. Now, you don't have to buy Mathew Lesko's super grant system. All you need is access to the internet. woo hoo. You will find all sorts of good information that the government has and its completely searchable through Google.

Try it here Google Gov search.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Application wiki - collaboration software

Well. I have to say, I love wiki (world's greatest collaborative software application) technology. Wikipedia is now one of my favorite sites on the internet. Now, I know that some people will say that Wikipedia cannot be reliable because any one can edit. Let's put this in to perspective. Books have been written since language was created and the authors did not continue to collaborate with each other over time. People would and continue to put their own perspective on facts and ideas. Well, humans are able to be honest and dishonest in books just as easy as wiki. With wiki however, we continue to collaborate and examine facts in one location. Also with wiki, anytime someone edits, they leave a trail.


Want to create your own wiki. Click the JotSpot link to the right.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Hate e-mail spam?

As a follow up to my e-mail article on where to find the best email on the internet. Have you ever been somewhere online and you are unsure about giving out your email address because you know you are about to get loads of spam? I know I have and now you don't have to worry anymore. Try Mailinator. You really need to check this out, it is wonderful and saves you from getting mass amounts of SPAM. I hate spam, dont you?


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

E-mail on the internet

There have been many e-mail programs out there that claim to be the best out there. Please for the sake of others, get on google gmail as soon as possible. Gmail has 2.7 gigs of free memory and many other features such as conversation view and text only ads. Please visit

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

How & why to use Firefox.

Please. If you love the web, please visit to find out all you need to know in easy tutorials. This is the first step to a new browser experience.

Welcome to E-DorK

Hi all!